

2017/10/21 12:17
【Promise of the kitten…仔猫の約束…】

One stormy night I made a vow to her.

Let’s be friends forever. Pinky swear.

I gave you my word that I would always protect you.

One day I have broken a promise in a trifle.

She is angry.

You never keep your promises.

She vented anger on me.

I become scared…

But I never do it anymore.

I promise that I won’t ever do that again.

Why did you break that promise?

You gave me your word!

I was weak.

Therefore believe it.
Because I never do it…

Don’t worry. I’ll keep my word.

I really believe it, and is it good?

ll right. Because I keep the promise by all means.

I’m not lying to you. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.

I’ll give you my word it will not happen again.

Because I love it…

O.K. Sure. Thank you very much for your advice.
I believe you.It is a pinkie square.
